jQuery OtherSelect

A jquery addon to handle adding aditional options in a select or multiselect

This example shows the addon working with a basic single option select box

    background : '#B7C3AD',
    widget : false

This example shows the addon working with a single select box

also using the jquery-ui multiselect widget

   multiple: false,
   header: "Select an option",
   noneSelectedText: "Select an Option",
   selectedList: 1
    background : '#B7C3AD',
    widget: true

This sets up the muliselect first, the otherSelect widget is set up after.

This example shows the addon working with a basic multi-select select box

    background : '#B7C3AD',
    widget : false

This example shows the addon working with a multi-select box

also using the jquery-ui multiselect widget

    multiselectOptions : {
       multiple: true,
       header: "Select an option",
       noneSelectedText: "Select an Option",
       selectedList: 1
    background : '#B7C3AD',
    widget : true

This sets up the otherSelect and the multiselect widget is set up through the widget, passing the multiselect arguments.

Available options

To Do: