This example shows the addon working with a basic single option select box
$('#single').otherSelect({ background : '#B7C3AD', widget : false });
This example shows the addon working with a single select box
also using the jquery-ui multiselect widget
$('#singleWidg').multiselect({ multiple: false, header: "Select an option", noneSelectedText: "Select an Option", selectedList: 1 }).otherSelect({ background : '#B7C3AD', widget: true });
This sets up the muliselect first, the otherSelect widget is set up after.
This example shows the addon working with a basic multi-select select box
$('#multi').otherSelect({ background : '#B7C3AD', widget : false });
This example shows the addon working with a multi-select box
also using the jquery-ui multiselect widget
$('#multiWidg').otherSelect({ multiselectOptions : { multiple: true, header: "Select an option", noneSelectedText: "Select an Option", selectedList: 1 }, background : '#B7C3AD', widget : true });
This sets up the otherSelect and the multiselect widget is set up through the widget, passing the multiselect arguments.
default : "Add Option"
default : ''
default : 'Add Option'
default : 'Cancel'
default : 1
default :
function(value, settings) { if (value.length < minLength) { alert('Option value must be larger than ' + (minLength - 1) + ' char(s)'); return false; } else { return true; }
default : false
default :